Hi all... This question is for women who are pregnant as well/ or have been pregnant.. Ok, well im about 11 weeks, but dealing with all this stress by myself; i had my first midwifes appointment the thursday thats just gone, and they took a urine test to detect bacteria or something in my urine.. And also they took a blood test, testing for loads of different diseases including HIV. I havent got the results back yet, i can call them on friday for the results.. I also have my 12 week scan not this week but the week after, where they will tell me how likely i am or not to have a child with Downs syndrome. I just feel so scared and nervous and anxious and overwhelmed by it all. Im quite an anxious person anyway, and have a history of depression and at the moment i am signed off work with severe anxiety problems.. But i am just TERRIFIED about my test results! I have had unprotected sex with two people in the last 3 years, and I know it takes just the once to get HIV.. I am so looking forward to this baby, though cant help thinking that something is going to go terribly wrong and my world is going to come crashing down. I am terrified the test will come back positive! The two men i had unprotected sex with have never used drugs with needles or anything like that, though i am aware that it can be transmitted just by having hetrosexual sex.. I seem well in myself, though im starting to suspect i may have oral thrush- my tongue has a VERY light white furry coat over it- i know that sounds disgusting lol (I have googled images regarding oral thrush, my tongue does NOT look as bad as these ones, although no matter how much i brush my tongue, the thin white coat of ';fur'; never seems to come off). I have read that oral thrush can be a symptom of HIV. I have also suffered bouts of thrush which has been confirmed by the doctor, like vaginal thrush.. Im just so depressed. Am i worrying too much- do all women worry about these test results?? Im just scared that if the guy who i concieved my baby with has had a lot of sexual partners, then i could be at risk.. I suppose no one on here knows the answer for definite, but i'd just like to know how you all feel/ felt about having all these tests.. And the baby too- i keep worrying something could be wrong with my baby.. This all just feels to good to be true- it would be an absolute DREAM for me to give birth to a perfect, healthy child.. But i just cannot imagine that happening in August 2010!! I've always felt like i have such bad luck in my life.. I believe in God and have been praying every single night since i found out i am pregnant.. But i am just so scared. Im trying not to worry for the baby's sake but i cant help but feel so low. Just a bit of other information for you, i am 20 years old, the guy i concieved with is 32 (his age concerns me now slightly because im thinking he could have had quite a few sexual partners), and i live in the Uk.. I dont really know how bad HIV is in the Uk, like if loads of people have it or not... I just feel so down.. I want to be excited about the pregnancy, this is what i have dreamt of for so long, but i cant help feeling its all going to go terribly wrong.. Please ladies, share your experiences with me.. Thanks in advance =] God Bless ~x~Im about 11 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit depressed =[?
Sorry I started reading but then it was too much for my brain to read.
From what I read though you are just becoming a mother, you are worried about your child and you want them to be perfect. I think every mother feels this way and until you see your baby in your arms and see that they are so perfect and wonderful you will not stop stressing through the whole pregancy.
At your 12 week scan you will see your little baby and they will look perfect and at you 20 week scan they will tell you all about your baby and their spine, their heart, the length how well they are growing and they can see any abnormality. You are young, and hopefully healthy as long as you take your prenatal vitamins, dont drink dont smoke and eat well, stay mentally healthy dont stress and just be happy that you have been blessed with a baby all should be fine.
If it is not then god had other plans and you have to trust his instincts.
Best of luckIm about 11 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit depressed =[?
itll all be worth it in the end.
pregnant or not people worry about their test results. i know when i was pregnant i was nervous. All you can do is hope everything is ok. I found out i had chlamydia when i was pregnant. i was thankful it wasnt nothing worse. so all you can do is pray for the best and take it one day at a time. dont let yourself get to stressed out about it and do harm to the baby. jus relax
Ok relax first of all i doubt u have hiv . thrush can just be caused be wearing tight underwear or nylon nickers etc and if left for a while it can work its way through ur body how i know this is because it happened to my mam.
I honestly don't think you may have any std but wise to check it out . you should try not to worry about all this stress is no good for ur baby . you may have pre natal depression as i have this and know its awful to go through .
Your best thing to do is get a good check up for all the sexually transmitted infections you are worried you may have . once they come back negative then you are ok ..
if you have any then the gum clinic will treat you and make it better
for brittle toe nails
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