Beautiful sayings for you to pass down.
Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers.
God's pleasure is in a father's pleasure; and God's displeasure is in a father's displeasure.
He who wisheth to enter Paradise at the best door must please his father and mother.
A man is bound to do good to his parents, although they may have injured him.
There is no child, a doer of good to his parents, who looketh on them with kindness and affection, but God will grant with every look the rewards for an approved pilgrimage.
Muhammad The Prophet
I am no more than man; when I order you anything respecting religion, receive it; and when I order you anything about the affairs of the world, then I am nothing more than man.
Convey to other persons none of my words, except those ye know of a surety.
'Aishah said, ';A party of Jews asked permission to go to Muhammad, and said, 'Death upon you.' And I answered their insult by saying, 'Rather upon you be death and curse.' Then Muhammad said, 'Be mild O Aishah! and make a point of being kind, and withold thyself from speaking harshly.' I said, 'Did you not hear what they said?' He said, 'Verily, I do always say,' ';Be the same to you.';'
Verily my heart is veiled with melancholy and sadness for my followers; and verily I ask pardon of God one hundred times daily.
Zaid, Muhammad's servant, said, ';I served Lord Muhammad ten years, and he never said 'Uff,' to me; and never said, 'Why did you do so?' and never said, 'Why did you not do so?'';
When a man committeth adultery, Iman (Faith) leaveth him; but when he leaveth such evil ways, Iman wil return to him.
The adultery of the eye is to look with desire on the wife of another; and the adultery of the tongue is to utter what is forbidden.
Ye followers of Muhammad, I swear of God, there is not anything which God so abhors, as adultery.
Every eye is an adulterer; and every woman perfumeth herself, and goeth to an assembly where men are, wishing to show herself to them, with a look of lasciviousness, is an adultress.
Thus saith the Lord, ';Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence.';
Once Muhammad was asked, ';O Apostle of God!'; How many times are we to forgive our servant's faults?'; He was silent. Again the questioner asked, and Muhammad gave no answer. But when the man asked a third time, he said, ';Forgive your servants seventy times day.';
There is no man who woundeth and pardoneth the giver of the wound but God will exalt his dignity and dimish his faults.
That man is nearest to God, who pardoneth, when he had in his power him who would have injured him.
Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.Ramadan: What do you think of this nice saying of Prophet Muhamad?
MashaAllah, may Allah reward you for sharing knowledge with us
And Allah knows best
May Allah provide us with guidance
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