Friday, November 12, 2010

Im about 11 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit depressed =[?

Hi all... This question is for women who are pregnant as well/ or have been pregnant.. Ok, well im about 11 weeks, but dealing with all this stress by myself; i had my first midwifes appointment the thursday thats just gone, and they took a urine test to detect bacteria or something in my urine.. And also they took a blood test, testing for loads of different diseases including HIV. I havent got the results back yet, i can call them on friday for the results.. I also have my 12 week scan not this week but the week after, where they will tell me how likely i am or not to have a child with Downs syndrome. I just feel so scared and nervous and anxious and overwhelmed by it all. Im quite an anxious person anyway, and have a history of depression and at the moment i am signed off work with severe anxiety problems.. But i am just TERRIFIED about my test results! I have had unprotected sex with two people in the last 3 years, and I know it takes just the once to get HIV.. I am so looking forward to this baby, though cant help thinking that something is going to go terribly wrong and my world is going to come crashing down. I am terrified the test will come back positive! The two men i had unprotected sex with have never used drugs with needles or anything like that, though i am aware that it can be transmitted just by having hetrosexual sex.. I seem well in myself, though im starting to suspect i may have oral thrush- my tongue has a VERY light white furry coat over it- i know that sounds disgusting lol (I have googled images regarding oral thrush, my tongue does NOT look as bad as these ones, although no matter how much i brush my tongue, the thin white coat of ';fur'; never seems to come off). I have read that oral thrush can be a symptom of HIV. I have also suffered bouts of thrush which has been confirmed by the doctor, like vaginal thrush.. Im just so depressed. Am i worrying too much- do all women worry about these test results?? Im just scared that if the guy who i concieved my baby with has had a lot of sexual partners, then i could be at risk.. I suppose no one on here knows the answer for definite, but i'd just like to know how you all feel/ felt about having all these tests.. And the baby too- i keep worrying something could be wrong with my baby.. This all just feels to good to be true- it would be an absolute DREAM for me to give birth to a perfect, healthy child.. But i just cannot imagine that happening in August 2010!! I've always felt like i have such bad luck in my life.. I believe in God and have been praying every single night since i found out i am pregnant.. But i am just so scared. Im trying not to worry for the baby's sake but i cant help but feel so low. Just a bit of other information for you, i am 20 years old, the guy i concieved with is 32 (his age concerns me now slightly because im thinking he could have had quite a few sexual partners), and i live in the Uk.. I dont really know how bad HIV is in the Uk, like if loads of people have it or not... I just feel so down.. I want to be excited about the pregnancy, this is what i have dreamt of for so long, but i cant help feeling its all going to go terribly wrong.. Please ladies, share your experiences with me.. Thanks in advance =] God Bless ~x~Im about 11 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit depressed =[?
It sounds normal.

It is unlikely you caught HIV. If you do, then your doctor will discuss options including termination.

If your child has downs syndrome, you will still love it or give it up for adoption.

So don't worry so much - it will all turn out OK.Im about 11 weeks pregnant and feeling a bit depressed =[?
Hi, Im male.. but i think you may have Post-Mortem Depression.. go to a doctor and explain. he should help
Hi! I'm 10 weeks pregnant with my second baby and feel a little flat at the moment, the fatique is draining,the hormones in your body make you emotional and there is so much you can't do or eat. I'm 22 yrs old. My first is 15 months old, I was 21 when I gave birth to her. I remember when pregnant with my first that I worried a lot about things. I tried not to worry too much about the tests as I tried to remember that the results were nothing I could change and they all came back fine! I have also slept with two men without protection, one being my partner and father of my children and the other was someone I knew before I met my partner, this is something I am not proud of however ( I am talking more about the first man ) and would not recommend anyone doing it at any time and I did go and get tested after sleeping with the first man though. Don't worry too much about the tests, I am sure they will be fine, like you said you have not felt unwell or had any symptoms.

As for worrying about the baby being healthy....that is the most normal thing in the world for expectant mothers and fathers, and probably grandparents too. If you didn't think and worry a little about that you prob wouldn't be normal. I am a worrier and sometimes I have to tell myself that the baby will be fine and that the only thing that will probably do it any harm is the stress I put myself under by worrying. It doesn't get any better when the baby is born either sorry to say. I constantly worry about my little girl - about her future, what if's, ifs shes had enough to drink, enough to eat, enough sleep, if she'll have a happy life, if she might get bullied at school......the list goes on and I'm sure I will be the same with the second.

I did enjoy being pregnant so much though, I loved my baby bump and feeling my baby moving inside me. When you get past all of these not so nice bits like tests and things you will be able to concentrate more on the good bits about being pregnant, try not to let your worrying over shadow your joy as its only for nine months and it goes so quickly. Why not also join a few antenatal classes to meet other pregnant women to share your thoughts and feelings.

Good luck and all the best, hope you feel better soon. Oh ad one more thing I find helps me relax is exercising, even if it's just a brisk walk to the shops and back I always feel better afterwards. :)
Your worries are normal, because when i was pregnant with my second child i was so scared when i got my HIV test down and every time i went to the doctors i felt like they were going to tell me it came back positive, but in the end every test they took came back normal. So my advice is to you is don't worry so much i am sure everything is going to be okay. Stressing too much is not good for your baby.
i really feel for you cos i've beenthere. i was 20 when i was first pregnant and yes i was terrified of those test results!! i think everyone is, its normal. i never thought i might of had hiv but when i was waiting for those results i was so scared and my mind just kept going over and over the chance i could have it. thank god i didn't but that did'nt help me at the time i was waiting for results. i also suffer from depression on and off so i know what thats like. if you suffer much you should make sure your doc has you on anti depressants before you have your baby, they are perfectly safe, the doctor will know which ones to prescribe because if you suffer from depression your at a higher risk of suffering fom post natal depression. i'm 27 now and have 3 beautiful perfect little girls aged 6, 3 and 1. i had all the same fears you are having right now on all three and if i was to have another baby now i know i'd go thru all those fears again. its all completly normal i prromise. after my first baby i just had the baby blues, but after the second i had terrible post natal depression and it lasted months. on my third i took the anti depressants while still pregnant to try prevent it and it worked. nobody warned me so i thought i'd warn you. i'm sure your worrying for nothing and i hope you are but believe me if anything does go wrong you will get thru it. your gonna have a beautiful baby in a few months who will love you so much and you'll be a great mother. you already are, you wouldn't be so worried if you weren't a great mum. i really hope i've helped you a little. i don't really know how yahoo works and if people can message each other but if we can then you can message me anytime to talk about anything. i know exactly how your feeling and what your going thru and would love to help. xxx
I used to have a white coating over my tongue all the time, and it turned out to just be food and bacteria stuck in my taste buds. The solution? A $3 tongue scraper. As soon as I started using it my breath got better as well. The dentist said this is because taste buds can be shaped like a mushroom and traps this stuff under it to basically rot in your mouth. While it IS possible for you to have caught something from one of these men, it is far more likely you caught a standard STD then cause HIV. HIV is MUCH harder to transmit through other body fluids then blood. And yes all of these tests are standard for pregnant women, it is to let them know what to expect and to correct issues before they become problems. Now what I want you to do is go sit in a quiet comfortable place, imagine holding your baby in your arms, look the child in the face and say ';I love you';. Don't you feel better after that?
It's an anxious time being pregnant. You worry a lot - get yourself the book 'what to expect when you're expecting' so you know what to expect a bit. Go back to your GP and talk to them about your anxiety as it's not good for you or the baby. Try to learn to relax a bit - get together with other mums to be who will also be worrying. Join pregnancy yoga for instance to relax naturally a bit. It's too late to worry about sexual partners now - you are pregnant and even if there are problems, it's less likely than you are led to believe. However, just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you stop having sex so try to have safe sex when you next get round to it with a new partner. It's not just you to think about but your child. Thrush is common when pregnant and they test urine at every midwife appointment. You are young so risk of downs is slight.

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